What's happening in New Zealand?

Answers to questions put to our Minister of Police

Thorpe report summary

Various bits from our American neighbours (I mean neighbors)

Does fatherlessness cause crime?

The false promise of gun control


What's been happening in some countries...

Editorial by Hugh Downs

A lot of Lott

Just Facts

Other interesting and not so interesting bits from the world of firearms


Quotes from Mr Alpers and co.

"Australian legislation is the most up-to-date and comprehensive in the region. By the standards of its 19 Pacific neighbours, New Zealand’s domestic small arms legislation is the most permissive, facilitating easy ownership and undocumented transfer of the region’s largest unregistered stockpile of private guns. Despite these differences, the two nations experience similar rates of gun crime and injury." 
Read the whole report - if you dare!

"Now, I can't explain that, I don't think anyone can, except to suggest that we're just backward and we'll catch up with you one day."
Philip Alpers - Radio 5AN - Adelaide - 24/2/99
on lower NZ gun deaths

Stop Press... Philip Alpers shot down - mainly by his own hand

By a curious quirk of fate Philip Alpers, probably the leading anti-gun lobbiest/researcher in New Zealand has today been shot down in flames by editors of the Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand website. In a well researched essay Sporting Shooters have loaded Mr Alpers own gun with his own bullets to allow him to shoot himself in the feet. To read the essay in full go here but be warned you will need a strong stomach to confront the gruesome truth...